

“Has Shareen tapped into the spirit of Egyptian dance? The answer is an unequivocal yes! Vancouver, BC, CanadaAs a guide she is powerfully gentle and firmly grounded, with the ability to lead her students to a place where the dance can be found. Once there, she is also able to help us reacquaint ourselves with what we’ve known has always existed. What comes forth is a joyous and deeply satisfying celebration of this form at its best.” B.T., San Francisco

“I am amazed at people like Shareen El Safy who dance ‘without accent’—what an amazing accomplishment, to absorb the dance so completely and in the heart and body, right from the source!” Andrea Deagon, Ph.D., UNC-W

“This was a journey of self-discovery…an essence is now present which wasn’t there before. It has deepened the feelings I can express through movement.”
Sadia, international teacher, performer, and 2010 retreat participant

Some U.S. and International Retreat Participants Respond

“This was such a peak experience!”

“The Retreat put me together with other dancers from other countries and cultures, exposing me to their view and style of the dance, which is very enriching”

“Very rewarding! Life changing!”

“For twenty six years, my dance style was pretty much the same. I feel like I am learning a whole new art form!”

“I came home relaxed and energized, with a deeper understanding of my body; the music and dance fit more precisely.”

“Shareen has inspired me to rethink how and why I dance, infusing it with new meaning.”

“Thank you for the alchemy that happens at Shambhala. It works its way through the whole year.”

“Shareen is a great communicator, verbally and through movement, and as such her classes are challenging and inspiring.” Amar, teacher and performer

“Shareen’s ability to analyze movement is multi-level, working with the physical and energetic aspects to get to the heart of the technique.” Ranya, teacher and performer

“Integrating Shareen’s technique leads to a deepening of the dance. It becomes more profound. Shareen is a dancer’s dancer, and her workshop a very rewarding challenge.” Myra, teacher and performer

“Shareen taught me the secret of Egyptian Dance—to dance from within, from your unique and beautiful soul; to dance from a place of honesty.” Gabriela, performer and 2011 retreat participant

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